It is however with sadness that I choose the topic for this year’s opening post, but as I write these lines, sitting at my computer, fully aware that I am witnessing today’s Nazis committing mass murder in our day,

What a sorry affair this conflict around Palestine/Israel has become. It’s a game of Middle Eastern regional power politics being played, with Palestinian and Israeli civilians the pawns ordained to do the bleeding. Just by looking at the time-span this dispute has been allowed to go on for, we get an indication on how disingenuous and two-faced most parties involved really are.
Hamas, in a sense not unlike the Afghani Taliban, has become the genie that can’t be put back in the bottle. Palestine’s Islamic resistance movement, founded in the late eighties by

Just like the many Arab dictatorships need Zionist Israel to provide the diversion needed to keep their own citizens under control, does Israel need Hamas and Fatah’s existence, their sporadic suicide bombs and mortar attacks. Without them, without the constant fighting, they’d have no more excuse to continue the illegal land grab they are engaged in, and are getting away with under the cover of war.
Instead of de-escalating the situation, Israel does the exact opposite – confining over a million Palestinian people to a penal ghetto, starving the locked up population of humanitarian aid and life’s basics – and then acts shocked when the ghetto inmates fling low-grade rockets at them, crying crocodiles tears and snivelling about the odd Israeli victim.
Israel is doing what it is for the same reason a dog licks its balls, because it can. They feel an itch and know that no-one cares enough to stop them. Israeli analysts have been studying the Palestinian resistance for more than half a century and by now have surely figured out that any military counter-insurgency measures against an opponent that actually lives in the warzone, is like punching your fist into a bucket of water - the moment you pull it out its back to how it was. My bet is that Israel's strategists know full well that the bloodshed will not bring about the end of Hamas, quite contrary, if anything their current onslaught will increase the groups popularity amongst the huddled up masses in Gaza’s basements. So why, if not to feed the flames, this gruesome Israeli military incursion?
Throughout all of this drama, Palestinians pretty much were, and are now, on their own. Their brothers in Egypt & the Arab league

European powers, as always displaying no backbone when it comes down to standing up for the oppressed, are no hopers too. Merkel and her unconditional support for the Israeli murder spree is the prime example for what Palestinians can expect from the EU. Hollow words and a few shekels to rebuild the destroyed infrastructure - Israel needs new targets for future bombing raids.
And then there is Obama, already a write off, an AIPAC sleeper who got activated; his chief of staff, Rahm Emanuel, who felt himself so obligated that he had to serve his time in the Israeli Oppression Force and whose father it seems was a member of the Jewish terror group Irgun, forget the US admin, bastards the lot of them.
All Obama had to do was come out of his ivory tower and tell the Israeli leadership that if they continue with their atrocious war crimes against defenseless civilians, it will spell the end of any US weapons and logistics support. Not a single bomb would have been dropped on
One thing is for sure, and after 40 years of Israel’s continued illegal occupation of Palestinian land one can be fairly certain, the ruling elites across the world will not lift a finger to bring this conflict to an end. They will do what they do best, squabble amongst them in some fancy conference room, only to emerge with a declaration that nothing can be done, calling on both sides to be more friendly to each other. The slow but steady theft of Palestinian land will continue, and so will the suffering.
Should you be so inclined, please contribute to Gaza’s aid.
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