Although the following
article concerns itself with civilian deaths in Afghanistan, I thought it is befitting the mass murder unfolding in Gaza.
Killing of 17 Afghan Civilians in US-led operation
Afghan President Hamid Karzai on Thursday condemned the reported killing of 17 civilians, including women and
children, in a US-led coalition operation in eastern Afghanistan, the presidential palace said in a statement....
Unable to seek revenge independently, many Afghan men in southern and eastern Afghanistan have joined the Taliban ranks after losing members of their families in international military operations, according to Afghan officials.
At least 1,500 civilians were among the 4,000 people killed in the first eight months of 2008, according to United Nations officials in Afghanistan.
Just like Afghani men in many cases are joining the Taliban, not due to their firm believe in the Taliban's extreme Islamic dogma, but to enlist with the only force out there that is fighting the invaders that killed their loved ones, so will Hamas be strengthened by USrael's despicable attacks on Gaza's civilian population.
The way those fanatic Zionist assholes see it, the more civilians die in the onslaught the better, it means more enraged Palestinians, more olive groves and houses that can be annexed while whimpering about the raging Palestinians.
However, with all our focus on Gaza, it's also worth remembering that our troops, US and allied forces around the world are just as barbaric as the IDF's henchmen. Looking at the numbers quoted in the Uruknet article, 1500 civilians killed in 8 mths in Afghanistan, pretty much in the same fashion as their Muslim brothers in Palestine, leaves one in no doubt that our own governments, people we elected, are just as guilty as Livni or say, Shaul Mofaz, the Israeli Minister for Palestinian Deaths. One has to wonder if the Allies' strategic planning in Afghanistan isn't in line with Israel's strategy - antagonize the civilian population in order to create the conflict needed to justify ones presence.
So whilst I understand that people could do with a stiff drink in times like these, it should not be to help us forget our frustrations and to numb the anger, but to warm us up for the cold outside, where we will have to march till our feet start bleeding. Lets not succumb to the feeling of hopelessness and our insignificance. We are not powerless, quite the opposite, WE are the power, we are the people. Should enough of us make a stand, putting for a change our money where our mouths and keyboards are, marching hand in hand by the tens of millions against the system, show enough courage to engage in civil disobedience and withholding war taxes, we will make a difference. 10 million people giving $100 ea, and there is a billion dollars to fight this insanity. And when the money runs out in three months time, we do it all over again, until those fuckers learn that we are serious.
We, not Rudd or Obama, have to get the snowball rolling. Them two soggy face washers won’t, that much is clear from their telltale silence on the war crimes committed by our alleged ally. But how? I hear you ask. How can us plebs make a difference? Easy, all it takes is a conscience and a few spare minutes every so often.
Short from traveling to Palestine ourselves to
oppose in Rachel Corrie’s
spirit the atrocious crimes committed against nearly helpless people, we can do our bit from wherever we are, in multiple different ways.

Donate to any
organization that is dedicated to easing the Palestinian suffering, whilst at the same time boycotting any goods and services coming from Israel, or firms associated and in business with Israel.
Let’s not kid ourselves, we all bear in one way or another some responsibility for the misery that exists across the developing world. Our consumer choices play an intrinsic role in the lives of many desperate people. They remain faceless to us, and yet we influence their livelihoods every day we go shopping.
As we blindly spend our monies, it escapes us that by buying thoughtless we are squandering our enormous power. Not as one lone shopper who tries to make a difference, but collectively, as an ever growing number of people who are fed up with the way the system churns out victims.
There are ways you and me can convey our message of disgust to the Israeli government slash establishment. Changing our consumer habits, making sure that no hard earned cent of ours is making its way to this in large parts morally corrupt nation. Let your wallets and purses do the talking, speak out with your cheque books and credit cards.
If we want our voices to be heard, we must first stop whispering, turn on our megaphones. So, to start up,
send your English-language article or letter to the editor of as many media outlets as fit in your e-mail composer's To: field.
Once you’ve send your letter to the editors, join the
global Consumer BDS movement and
Boycott, Divest and Sanction for Palestine.
Find out about
which companies to boycott, such as the

Arsenal Football Club and
Johnson & Johnson. Next time you buy shampoo or baby products, read the label. Anything produced in Israel will have a barcode on it that starts with the three digits 729.
Read about
which western brands and labels not to buy, like Maggi, Coca Cola or Nestle products. I know its hard, but it can be done. We all can do it. Write a letter to those firms Customer Care departments and let them know that you have stopped buying their products as they help to prop up or are in cahoots with the Israeli apartheid state.
Also, make sure you check out
this list of products from illegal settlements in occupied Palestinian territory. And most importantly, please give generously to
or any other worthwhile cause you identify. Should you be able to afford it, make it a regular donation, regardless of when a new ceasefire will be negotiated. Without ever having been there myself, the images available tell the story - the damage inflicted on Palestine's people and infrastructure is so severe, that aid of any kind will be needed for decades to come. The Palestinian suffering will eventually disappear again from the media radar, it always does, until the next shocking incident brings it all back into the headlines. But the suffering there is not temporary like our news cycles, or shall I say attention span, it is ever present and seemingly permanent. In order for us to really make a difference, we best make any efforts of ours a longer term commitment.
Write, march donate, sponsor, purchase, participate, just do something. Remember - people, united, can never be defeated.
Any old way, no more time to waste, the people in Gaza and Afghanistan are counting on us, desperately.