The Japanese government is totally outraged, stating that commercial whalers are an endangered species. Harpoonito Massaciri, a spokesperson for the Japanese Department of Fisheries, has requested that the world community is to condemn the killing of Japanese Whalers.
The Orstralian government has since issued a communique voicing its distress regarding the illegal slaughter of Japanese whalers, but maintained that its hands are bound as the mink whales operated in international waters. The Prime Minister’s department has indicated it would send a navy ship into the area to monitor any future events.

The Steve Irwin is part of Sea Shepherd Conservation Society’s fleet of protest ships, manned by people who don't wish to see our planet fade away into a globe of dried up rivers and dead seas. I have always admired the sheer guts and determination of Paul Watson's crew, ever since I heard about

Continued inaction of our governments, who apart from attending meaningless conferences to keep up the appearance, means that no one does jack shit to protect the whales. What else but Direct Action as an option is left? If it weren’t for environmental warriors like Paul Watson and his team at the SSCS, there would be no one making a stand against the hideous rape of our seas

For further info on how things are developing in the Southern Oceans, check out Paul Watson's blog. I reckon each and everyone of us who has the means and willpower to do something should come on board, in any shape or form.
Despite the popular view that the Sea Shepherd attacking another ship with rancid butter on the high seas is piracy, last week I donated some money to the cause via the Sea Shepherd's online payment system. May I herewith invite you too to spare a few bobs and chip in. And hey, while you have your credit card out, I know some people who would be mighty grateful if you'd gave the The International Committee of the Red Cross in Iraq a hand in providing aid to the many millions of refugees and orphans created by the West's brutal invasion. Thanx - There is a good chance you and I are part of the solution.
Update: North Coast Voices has an interesting write up on how the Japanese yet again are trying to pay their way into whale killer heaven. Also some fabulous links to various whale sounds and songs. Check it out.
A great take on the issue, Juan.
Still smiling broadly.
Thanks for the mention of North Coast Voices. We are trying hard on behalf of whales in the Southern Ocean - especially WaterDragon.
Thanx for the flowers clarencegirl. It's good to meet some like minded people in times as the ones we are living in, when noble beings such as whales are slaughtered by the thousands.
Lets keep up the good work and maybe we might just make a difference.
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